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DOXA Cyber

Cybercrime is on the rise. Are your clients protected?

Security breaches can be costly (and catastrophic) for businesses of all sizes.

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Cybercriminals often target small- and medium-sized businesses.

When it comes to security breaches, it’s a matter of “when,” not “if.”

  • Small businesses (with fewer than 100 employees) are 3 times more likely to be targeted by cybercriminals than larger companies
  • 43% of cyber attacks are aimed at small businesses, but only 14% of small businesses are prepared to defend themselves
  • Small- and medium-sized businesses (with fewer than 250 employees) are more frequent targets of cybercrime than larger companies, often due to their lack of security resources
  • 73% of small businesses in the United States reported experiencing a cyber attack in the past year. 

By the numbers

A single security breach can be catastrophic enough that a business is forced to close.



of small- and medium-sized businesses could not continue operating if they were hit with a ransomware attack



is the average cost to a small business when they experience a cyber-attack



of small business fail after a ransomware attack due to the combined cost of recovering data and the costs associated with business interruption

Help your clients get the insurance protection they need.

Businesses with Cyber Insurance … 

  • can cover the cost of recovering from a cyber attack, including expenses for legal counsel, data recovery, customer notification, and business interruption
  • have access to coverage for liability if their customers or partners are affected by a cyber attack, including legal fees and settlement costs
  • can access expert resources and financial support to respond to and recover from a data breach

Businesses without Cyber Insurance …

  • may never recover from a cyber attack, with up to 60 percent of these businesses failing within 6 months of the incident
  • may struggle to cover the costs associated with notifying customers, restoring data, and addressing regulatory fines and penalties after a breach
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DOXA Cyber comes with great benefits for retail agents

  • Competitive commission paid to our retail agent partners
  • 15% commission on new business
  • Knowledgeable broker staff that can educate you on the nuances of cyber coverage
  • Access to multiple markets
  • Easy, quick, and comprehensive


Need a hand with Cyber?

Send us an email, and stay tuned. We’ll be in touch shortly.

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